Emotional Distance

by Katie G. Clayton

 gas-lighting. being held by a thread. what once was. constriction. censorship. forced connections, small talk. This is what I hoped to convey in my series, emotional distance. I shot these photos with a couple who were dating at the time, so I could harness that intimacy yet also depict that strained connection that can form in relationships. a lyric I was really inspired by for this series is one by The Marias from their song ‘I don't know you,’ it goes “there's a weight in my bed where you laid and you said 'I don't know you.'" the photos are about losing touch and losing a sense of togetherness.


You can follow more of Katie’s beautiful work on her website and instagram. You can follow her zine, Blisters, here.

Models featured: Carolyn Gentry @sunbeammedia and London Ché Spiyes