(un)titled is an independent, developing platform and currently non-profit. That’s why every donation and social media share has a direct and meaningful impact into maintaining and building the work we do.

By donating, you’re actively contributing to an indpendent, alternative media outlet that aims to support and uplift emerging creatives. Your financial support will contribute to creating new print publications and other forms of accessible, independent media. Most importantly, we want to ensure that we can provide individual artists with payment for their work. Currently, our contributors are unpaid and we’re working really hard to change this, as we believe it’s really important and crucial to becoming what we intend to be. By donating, you are supporting this vision and our values of inclusion and consideration of ethics, responsibility and agency within changing media. We want to create a space where individuals can feel in control of their own narrative and for multipe conversations to co-exist.


One Time Donation (Creative Tip Jar Fund)

Contribute a donation to our PayPal and help us maintain our platform. Each donation means the world and helps sustain the work we do.

Donations of over €50 euro in the UK and Europe will recieve a copy of Issue 001 and a personalised postcard. If you make a donation of €50, send us a screenshot of your receipt and mailing address to untitledpublication@outlook.com